Friday, 9 August 2013

Original Art Prints - Buy Original Abstract Art From Abstract Print Gallery

Abstract Art: Abstract art is a great work and style, in which the artists who are seeking to explore or take their art in a new direction many enjoy it. This abstract art allows for unlimited and unstructured freedom that is said that some find this style of mind is easy to achieve while others may find it daunting or to open ended. If you ask a question that do abstract paintings sell well? Yes, they sell well and they are very popular type of art in contemporary culture today.

It is very open to interpretation which makes it excellent art for placing in a public office or other space where many see it because it is hard to be offended by something abstract. It is widely used for decorating, because it can often be used in many different shapes and situations without clashing with the space or with other pre-existing decorations and furniture. It is not the case with almost all other styles of art because unlike works done in more traditional styles, abstract art is not limited by any particular form or function and thus it has a wide range of interpretation and influence on the area where they are placed.

Abstract art come in different forms as they do colors, some are created with carefully placed brush strokes which then depict the interesting forms and lines, while others are created by haphazard applications of paint to canvas. If you see the abstract work with your own emotions, you can find a piece of abstract painting as interesting one. It is created and sent out into the world of hops that people would look it, stop and think. What you think is up to you, but as long as you feel something in you it is a great start over there in buying abstract art works.

You no need to know about the abstract painting which you look, a beautiful abstract art work will inspire you or make you to feel you emotional. This is why the abstract paintings are more popular. It just kindles the emotion; whatever emotion you might have it just inspires when you look at the abstract art. The place where you choose to display this abstract work will be even more effective. As it inspires your emotional feelings you can just decorate your surroundings with marvelous abstract paintings.

Do you want to buy original abstract arts? Well, visit it is the only destination with the collections of unique art works.

For more details about Unique abstract artwork

Friday, 28 June 2013

Abstract art work – A popular and great movement

Unique abstract artwork: Abstract art work is becoming very prevalent as a way of owning reasonable modern art.  Even though abstraction was becoming obvious in the impressionist, neo and post-impressionist movements instigated during the latter part of the 19th century. A separate individuality in the early 20th century called non-objective or non-iconic art started to become superficial. In this program, artists fashioned marks, signs or three-dimensional constructions that have no connection with images or objects in the identified visible world and are absolutely abstract. In its cleanest form within it is without an uncertainty, 100 per cent non-objective or non-figurative.

An additional distinction is made between abstract art which is symmetrical, like the work of Mondrian, and abstract art that is more fluid and where the seeming naturalness frequently belies cautious planning and accomplishment. Impressionism, Fauvism, Cubism art movements of the time, contributed by breaking away from the standards or rules of art followed since before the great Revitalization period. Within Impressionism we see painters not finishing their paintings. Maximum Fauvists used colour in an idealistic way. Cubism introduced the impression of painting an object from numerous points of view. Out of all of this came the thoughts which developed colour, line, form, and feel that could be the “subject" of a painting. 

The abstract impressionistic style is an electrifying and very lively style that allows the illustration of life images or reality impressions, in some dissimilar simplified ways using abstract shapes, forms and fresh and lively colours. Abstract art works that gives the onlooker a sense of being somewhere else in time or place are pre-planned and fashioned on an interesting surface of texture before theorist begins to paint. Numerous layers of paint are applied in a superior process, for the purpose of creating a touch of nature, space and place.

Abstract print gallery UK is specialized in abstract art and landscape paintings. Our paintings have been observed as an inspiring and stimulating display of energy with unique dripped-on paint texture that is refreshing, energizing and unconstrained. Our work can be found in private and corporate collections worldwide and online at 

For more details about Original Art Prints

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Abstract arts – Represents real forms in simplified way

Original Art Prints: An abstract painting does not have an identifiable subject. It is a form of art that does not try to look like something. Instead, the theme of an abstract painting is its colour, form, and assured features. In other words, abstract art paintings throw away the boring realism. A noteworthy reason why abstract art is dissimilar from realism is that abstract painting is more fluid.  An abstract painting is geometric as well.

Abstract art is mostly associated with paintings which signify things that are not visual, such as emotion, sound, or unworldly experience. Apart from that, abstract painting is also classified with figurative abstractions or reality simplifications in which detail is eliminated from recognizable objects leaving only the spirit or some degree of identifiable form.

Abstract art painting also gained more relevance with the advent of synthetic cubism and analytical cubism. In synthetic cubism, the artist uses tough colours and ornamental shapes to disassemble an object and reassemble or "synthesize" its indispensable structural lines. Analytic cubists conversely reduced natural forms to their elementary geometric parts and then tried to settle these essential 3D parts with 2D picture plane. Colour was significantly subdued, and paintings were nearly homochromatic.

Abstract Expressionism uses the concepts of expressionism to abstract painting.  It was a painting movement in which artists usually applied paint rapidly, and with force to their vast canvases to display feelings and emotions. It is completed through painting non-verbally, non-geometrically, sometimes applying paint with big brushes, sometimes dripping or even throwing it onto canvas. The work of its followers is considered by a strong dependence on what appears to be accident and chance, but which is really highly planned. Several abstract expressionist artists were worried with adopting a peaceful and enchanted approach to a purely abstract image. Maximum of the times, there was no effort to portray subject matter. It was normally believed that the artists' spontaneity approach to their work would draw from and release the creativity and originality of their unconscious minds. Such a communicative method of painting as this was extensively considered as vital as the painting itself.

Basically an abstract art painting does not portray any figurative reality. Instead, it signifies real forms in a reduced or simplified way. The formation of an allusion or suggestion to a factual subject is its main principle.

Abstract print gallery is well specialized in Portrait Painting. Our effective artists are specialized and particularized in turning a photo to painting. Each portrait artist specializes in a precise area including wedding paintings, pet portraits and executive portraits and more. Come and relish in our great collections of abstract art at reasonable prices!!!

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